Ashitaba Chalcone and Ashitaba Leaf

Ashitaba Chalcone and Ashitaba Leaf
Products by Solusi Energi Plus

Order products of Ashitaba Chalcone and Ashitaba Leaf

Order products of Ashitaba Chalcone and Ashitaba Leaf, can directly contact at mobile phone: 62 81230797372, 62 81515181823, and 62 87853532923, or email: and, with the first transfer to Bank Mandiri, Indonesia - Account Number: 1410007620248 or Bank Central Asia, Indonesia - Account Number: 4290519425, by T/T or Western Union. After the notification has been transferred, then on the same day or 1x24 hour, then the orders will be shipped via Pos Indonesia, Tiki, DHL, or FeedEx.

Usage Instructions

Usage Instructions for Ashitaba Chalcone (1 bottle (yellow juicy) = 100 ml): 1 teaspoon to drink morning and evening after eating and then drinking a glass of water, stir once, and stored in cold (fridge).

Usage Instructions for Ashitaba Leaf (1 botlle (tea) = 100 gram): 1 teaspoon mixed with 1 cup (200 ml) hot water (boiling) and drunk in the morning, noon, and night after dinner, and may be added sugar.

Cari Blog Ini

Minggu, 12 September 2010

Testimonials About Cancer

In April of 2007, Corky, our 6-year young Labrador Retriever had surgery to remove and biopsy a strange small growth along the gum line of her lower jaw. Later … identified as a plasmacytoma. The vet told us that he could not remove the whole tumor due to its location Corky also started showing signs of depression, lack of energy, and pain.
…the tumor was coming back. It had actually quadrupled in size and was ulcerated at this point. We … were told that we had two options: 1) remove a large section of her lower jaw bone, or 2) start focalized radiation therapy (20 visits approx.). … Here we are today, 3 months later, and Corky has no signs of this cancerous growth! Amazingly it has disappeared! In addition, her energy has returned, she has a sparkle in her eyes and a beautiful coat.
I would like to have you use this information in order to help other people and animals that are impacted by cancer.
By the way, my boyfriend and I have also noticed the benefits of Ashitaba Green! We couldn’t be happier! I tell everyone I know about your product and everyone that I pass it on to calls to thank me.We are forever indebted to you for providing Ashitaba Green which saved Corky’s life!
Warmest regards, Dawn 09/12/2007

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